Ben Wells is gearing up for the 2024 Leadville 100! We caught up with him before he lines up this weekend.
“My training has gone exceptionally well! I’ve felt fresh and ready to race even through my biggest training weeks. In the winter I was running a base amount of miles while doing most of my training backcountry skiing at altitude. In the spring, I entered my first training block to prepare myself for my training race – San Juan Solstice 50 Miler. SJS50 miler went great for the first 40 miles. The last ten miles I had plenty of stomach issues. The race told me what I needed to focus on for the next July training block: altitude, heat, & nutrition. Through July, I’ve been practicing my nutrition plan and I’ve found a balance that’s working for me. I also ran many times in the midday heat and had countless hours spent moving above 12,000 ft. I’m currently at the point where my body has gotten used to both heat and altitude. My training is through, & I feel more ready than ever! The next week will be about getting good sleep, eating well, and pre race hydration.
My July training block stats –
433.64 miles. 94,690 ft of elevation gain. 85 hours & 18 minutes. 6 week training block.”
Good luck, Ben!
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