Meet the Marathoners

Read on to hear stories from marathoners in the Runners Roost Community!

Leslie Hoffmann

Leslie recently ran the Berlin Marathon in a time of 4:01! She shared her experience with us below.

“It was my first international marathon and it was a great experience. There were many Covid protocols in place, including wearing a mask in the start and finish areas (they even supplied masks at the finish) and requiring proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test to get in to the race expo and to participate in the marathon. We were given wrist bands (non-removable) that were color coded for based on vaccinated or negative test. My husband even needed to verify his status to get in to the expo.

Pretty much everyone working at the expo and dealing with runners during the pre/post race area spoke at least some English, and all announcements with made in both German and English.

My training for the marathon was unusual, since I contracted a break-through case of Covid in mid-August, just as I was in my final weeks of building mileage. I was unable to run for 3 weeks, so then ran 7 miles, 12 miles and 17 miles in the 3 weeks before the marathon. I decided to try a run/walk plan for the first time since my training was so atypical. This was my 9th marathon, and my slowest time, but I was thrilled with the overall result!

Race day was pretty relaxed, because my wave didn’t start until 10:30. I was able to eat a relaxed breakfast then we took an intercity train and had a short walk to the starting area. While waiting for the start the announcers had us dancing!

My favorite part of marathon training is the mid-distance long runs and the taper. I’m always ready for the taper! My least favorite part is the last few long runs of 19-21 miles. I’m usually starting to feel pretty fatigued by the training cycle at that point. It’s great to have friends to run with on those long runs to help the miles go faster!

My favorite place to run in Colorado is the foothills outside of Boulder. Marshall Mesa, Dowdy Draw, the Singletree trail in Superior are all favorites.

I don’t have a specific favorite post-run meal but lentil tacos are always a favorite.

After a marathon I love a good burger and fries with a glass of red wine 🙂

David Feron

Which marathon are you training for?
Marine Corps Marathon, October 31, 2021.

Have you run a marathon before, if so how many? 
I’ve run 29 marathons, plus a 50-km Ultra.  My first marathon was the 2008 MCM.

Tell us a bit about your training: 
I’m in a perpetual marathon training cycle, and try to do 2 or 3 a year.  I use a combination of group runs and online training plans.  I try to mix in a long trail run to break up the road miles.

What is your favorite and least favorite part of marathon training? 
My favorite part of marathon training is trying to achieve my goal race pace and qualify for Boston.  My least favorite parts are stretching, prehab, and rehab, but as runners we need to avoid injury.

Where is your favorite place to run in Colorado?
Anywhere at elevation in the mountains, around Golden, and the downhill Revel Rockies course, Echo Mountain to Morrison.

Favorite post-run meal?  
Burgers hot off the grill and a cold brew!

Jon Raessler

Which marathon are you training for? I’m training for the London Virtual Marathon on October 3rd and it’s “choose your own course” so to speak.

Have you run a marathon before, if so, how many? Yes and five.

Tell us a bit about your training: I’ve done a traditional plan of gradually increasing weekly mileage since this past spring with one long run per week. My longest long run was 20 miles. I also did tempo runs where I would go for 6 miles at my planned marathon pace. I have a tendency to go out too fast in races so these felt important as it helped me train to start at a steady pace and maintain that.

What is your favorite and least favorite part of marathon training? My favorite part has been re-experiencing the sense of mileage relativity, meaning that in “normal” times I run 25-35 miles per week, usually topping out at six to ten miles for longer runs. During the past couple of months when I’ve been in the 40-50 miles per week range with 14-20 mile long runs, doing four or five miles now feels like a recovery run. It’s interesting how the body and mind adapt to new circumstances.

My least favorite part is tapering. While I can tell that I need it in order to be ready for the marathon, I love running and willfully holding back isn’t much fun.

Where is your favorite place to run in Colorado? Just about any six mile run that has a few small inclines and downhills to keep it interesting but still fast.

Favorite post-run meal? Oddly, even though I love a good meal, it takes me a while to be ready to eat when I’m done. I guess I have to go with a liquid answer on this one and say Gatorade.

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