Meet Chris! Runners Roost 2023 Leadville Golden Ticket Winner

Hey! I’m Chris, store manager at Runners Roost Lone Tree. Originally, I started running to lose weight, falling in love with the process. Eventually, running completely changed my life, if not saved it. I’m running the Leadville 100 to prove to myself, and everyone that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I choose to run for those who can’t, and in doing so, it makes me a better human. Come follow along the journey and cross your own finish line with me.
Taper tantrums, a BQ, and finding out
First off, if you’re reading this, you’re probably like me and interested, if not obsessed, with running.  I’ll share some of my life with you, along with my training plan for Leadville 100. I became addicted to crossing finish lines after I ran my first marathon in an attempt to lose weight (I was 235lbs when I graduated college). I progressed to my first triathlon and an Ironman. After finishing 2 of those, a friend get me into ultras. My first was a 50 miler and, boy, was I humbled (elevation is no joke).


I’ve always wanted to run Boston, but I would get distracted with fun races and lost in the woods. As an ultimate motivator, my wife told me that I couldn’t sign up for anything but a marathon until I BQ’ed. I hunkered down for 2 years and trained my butt off, running around 60-70 miles a week. I ran a 3:11 in Arizona in January, which capped off a great training block of 6 months, averaging about 80 miles a week. During my taper, I was happy to be relaxing but wanted to sign up for something “stupid,” so I signed up for the Pikes Peak Marathon (I got away with it because I told my wife it was “only a marathon” – I didn’t mention where or what type).
I found out that I got into Leadville a week before the Revel Rockies Marathon, where I planned to BQ. When I found out about my entry, I was absolutely shocked.  The idea of playing up in the mountains at 10k feet filled with pure joy like a little kid on Christmas . This lasted for a couple days until I hit submit on the payment. At that point, I realized that I had no crew, no place to stay, and an eight week building block, with a 3 week taper, before I had to run 100 miles.
Over the next two days, I watched just about every documentary I could find, usually tearing up at the end. I buckled down and made a plan that I know I can execute. This was a nice distraction from my 26.2 taper. I qualified with a time of 2:53 and some change. My first sub 3 marathon. Somehow I knew standing on the start line I was going to (plus I kept thinking I’ll have to do this 3 more times in Leadville). It was a breakthrough marathon for me and I unlocked my mental game at mile 20; I got stronger the farther I ran. I’m not sure if it was me yelling the David Goggins quotes passing aid stations or not but here I was craving pain and asking for more…

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