Training Update from Chris

We checked in with Chris, 2023 Runners Roost Leadville Golden Ticket Winner, for an update on how his training as been going as race day approaches. (Read more about Chris, here)

Recovery week and base camp

Welcome back groovy cats, I’m currently writing to you from a dock in Grand Lake.
My initial plan was to run 30 miles the week after the marathon, and 50 miles the following week. Hoping to ease back into it because, you know, that’s what you’re supposed to do.
I ended up running in the pouring rain the day after my BQ to test my rain gear for Leadville, which was a good thing because I realized I needed some new gear. Later that week, I was up in Boulder for work, so I decided to run to the top of Bear Peak for elevation training. I accidentally ran a little over 50 miles that week, followed by an 82 mile week that included back to back 20 milers.
Base camp was the “official” first week of training for me. My 8 week build up started in Grand Lake.  I highly recommend visiting if you’ve never been.  I’ve been waking up early to run at 8,500 ft on trails with unbelievable views. When I get back, I spend the rest of the day relaxing in the sun with my wife, recovering and getting ready to do it all over again. I found the best coffee ice cream that I’ve been enjoying after lunch and dinner.
I’m currently sitting at 70 miles; a little over 10 hours on the feet and 7k feet of vertical gain. It’s easy to get that up here. I plan on running 30-40 miles tomorrow  before heading back to town. My mentality is to go full throttle, so I plan on running 100 mile weeks until my taper, with maybe a 70 mile recovery week thrown in there. The legs are feeling great, helped by post-run dips in the ice cold water.
When I’m out on the trails, I pass families hiking and greet them with a friendly “Good morning” or “Great day out here, take care;” then, I  return to my mantra: “They don’t know me son, who’s going to carry the boats.”
One way or another, we’re crossing that line at Leadville.
6 weeks out
Whew… were did the time go!? Six weeks left, and really only 3 weeks left of training, or “cramming for the exam” until my taper. The last three weeks have been pretty good: 93, 102, and 100 miles. Back to back long runs have been going well. I did a 40 mile run on the Fourth of July to practice running at night, testing some new gear out.
Speaking of gear, I’ll be using the Petzl Swift RL through the night for the race. It worked fantastic when I tested it out, and I only had to use the lowest setting (900 lumens is a lot). I picked up a back up battery to go along with it too, just in case. I’ve also been practicing with my poles and a new Ultimate Direction Ultra Pack that works nicely – the drawstrings on the back take a little pressure off the shoulders.
I’m heading to Leadville to run a few days up there, planning to knock out Power Line, followed by 30 miles with Hope Pass thrown in there.
I’m feeling really good, and still happy to be able to run this thing! Catch ya later, keep running!

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