5 Tips for Running in the Summer Heat

5 Tips for Running in the Summer Heat

Welcome to Summer! School is out, the birds are singing, and daylight is longer-it is a great time to get out and be active! However with all of these wonderful things also comes the rising temperatures. Here in Colorado 80° can feel like 90° and running in that heat is definitely not the same as running in 50 degrees. Here are some tips to help you manage the heat and keep doing what you love.

  1. Drink: Top off your fluids with 16 ounces of water or a sports drink an hour before you head out. Drink often on your run. Handheld water bottles and hydration belts or packs are great options for carrying water while you are out. You can take a sip every mile or every 15 minutes to make sure you are staying hydrated. Plan your routes around water fountains or business where you can refill.
  2. Use electrolytes: You will sweat more during summer runs and hence lose more electrolytes. It is important to replenish electrolytes as well as water. You can use a mix of Gatorade and water, salt tabs, or Nuun electrolyte tablets in you water to keep your body at optimal performance levels.
  3. Block the sun: Wear a hat or visor, and make sure it is made of polyester or microfiber that wicks away sweat. Most running hats will have mesh panels or vents to allow heat to escape but still block you from the sun. Don’t forget the sunscreen!
  4. Invest in the right clothing: Wear clothing that is light in color, lightweight, and has vents or mesh. Invest in pieces that are polyester or a microfiber that wicks away sweat.
  5. Make adjustments: Take advantage of the extra daylight and run in early morning or late evening, not at peak sun hours. Find a new route that may provide some extra shade. Slow down!! Did you know that every 5° above 60° can slow your pace by 20 to 30 seconds per mile? Don’t fight it! If it is an unusually hot day, bag that high intensity workout and slow down.

The best part is that here at Runners Roost we have the tools you need to conquer the heat! Our expert staff can answer your questions and help you find the products right for you.



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