Yoga for a Great Cause

Yoga for a Great Cause

By: Kery Allen

I have been teaching free community yoga classes at the Denver Runner’s Roost for a few months now. We meet at 6pm every 3rd Thursday of the month for a 45 minute all levels yoga class. I am trying to create a great community of people who can come together and spend a short amount of time supporting one another while they create a relationship with their body and mind. I also take a suggested $5 donation for the Women’s Bean Project.


I first heard about the Women’s Bean Project when I ran the Columbine Classic at Aurora Reservoir a few years ago. It’s a women’s race that is held by the Columbine Running Club. The Colorado Columbines Women’s Running Club is the largest nonprofit women’s running club in Colorado. Their race supports the Women’s Bean Project which is a local nonprofit that helps struggling women get back on their feet. I checked into their website after the race and was so impressed by what they do and at all of the services that they offer to women of all backgrounds.


Their mission “is to change women’s lives by providing stepping stones to self-sufficiency through social enterprise.”

“The Women’s Bean Project is a transitional job training program for chronically unemployed and impoverished women. We provide jobs in gourmet food and handmade jewelry manufacturing. At the same time, we augment the skills they develop on the job by offering special programming and classes in interpersonal and life skills needed to move into career entry-level employment.

By working in an active business, program participants learn the importance of reliability, accuracy, punctuality, attention to detail and attendance; while also addressing life skills – communication, budgeting, accountability, problem solving and goal setting.

Our graduates become empowered to lead successful, self-sufficient and fulfilling lives, creating a brighter future – for themselves, their families, our communities and our economy.”

I love this organization because their goal is the same as my own. I teach people yoga so they become more confident in their own body and being. When people feel better about themselves, they can start to do amazing things for others. We may not be able to change the world, but we can start to make a dent in our local community by creating a safe place for people to better themselves and support one another.

I can’t imagine a better way to give back to our local community than to help women find a job to feed their family and better their own situation. The women at the Women’s Bean Project make incredible goodies which you can order from their website or you can donate directly. Check it out!! Hope to see you at the next 3rd Thursday Yoga at Denver’s Runner’s Roost.

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